All posts by Guruseva

During the Days of Uttarayana………

On the day of Makar Sankranti the chariot of the sun god enters the Maharrishi (one of zodiacs). The process of entering a new sing of zodiacs occurs every month, but since the Sun enters the makarrashi in this month thus a distinguishing meritorious period is generated. During this span the sattvauna (quality of goodness) is specially enhanced and the elements increasing the resistance towards diseases are acquired. This whole month is considered a festival month. (The vow of bathing in the Ganges December 31st to January 30th .For detailed information read “Rishi Prasad’, January 2009 issue that the waters of all the water reservoirs on earth are considered a spire and beneficial as Gangajal. Now days many medical scientists after studying the glory of the compassion and benedictions of Sun god are bringing forth stunning results by employing it in the medical field.
Dr. Hej Heuki says the rays of the are more beneficial then medicines. The medicines destroy the useful bacteria along with the harmful ones.
Dr. Hej Handrik found out through experiments that the rays of the Sun quickly penetrate into the body and increase the resistance towards diseases and make good the deficiency if any of any make good the deficiency if any particular colour.
The colour doctor put it this way, The deficiency put it way, The deficiency of yellow
colour causes that Ayurveda doctors say that the vata piita and kappa the three contain such -such colour and that all the seven colour are granted by the sun.
A scientist called Gardener Roni incurred wonderful benefits form southerly, he writs The body becomes so stung by sun therapy that it ejects the harmful bacteria and becomes capable of protecting itself on own. Gardener Roni cured many patients by using the Sun therapy.
I give you a nice technique of maintaining an excellent health. Do tribabdha (the three band has Jalandharabndha Uddiyuabandha and Mulbanddha) pranayama in the sunlight five pranayama facing towards the sun and other five Turing your back towards sun. This will bath the whole body in the sunrays or also you can protom surya namaskara (sun salutation) in the presence of sun. The sun rays should certainly be made to fall on the navel. For 5 to 8 minutes one should sit such as to make the rays fall on navel and for 8-10 minutes sit tuning the back towards sun. Everyone should practice sun bath for a robust health and long life.
The son of Lord sir Krishna, Saamb was suffering form various disorders of skin and digestion. Finding that he was not reviewing. Sri Krishna said to him I obtained a good health and various other benefits by worshipping the sun God. I meditated on sun god and performed sunbath after doing pranayama etc. in its ray’s sammb you should also worship the sum.
Lord sir Krishna advice his ill son saamb to do sun bath to offer libation to Him (the sun) and perform surya namaskara and ultimately to meditate on him in the space between both the eyes brow (bhrikuti). Saamb was restored to health by following this.
The scientists are saying now but five thousand years back, the father of all scientists, lord sir Krishna and even before Him our Rishis had already told about the health restoring qualities of the sun. but we don’t worship the sun just for this that we may be rendered health that the rays would provide vitamin D on entering through the skin and cure skin diseases. The sun bath will undoubtedly bring about material benefits but outlook is not restrained on to immortal body by gaining material benefits. The Rishi of India have their eyes set on realizing the self the lord and these additional benefits shall came along without restraint.
Just as on performing surya namaskara, naturally the pranayama are them selves performed. Pranayama open of the lungs and asana actives the stiffened organs. Surya namaskara is essentially perfumed after sun rise so that the bodies gets the benefit of sun rays and also worship of sun rays and also worship of sun during. Sunrise beings purity in the intellect. Only a sattvik (purified) intellect can experience the supreme
Being. Thus worship is especially important on the day of Uttarayana. Apart form this it is also rice to Lord Shiva or to offer libation of water (with till a rive mixed in it).
Til (sesame seed)

Worship of Sun God : Uttarayan

(A discourse delivered on the occasion of Uttarayana Parva: 14th January)

Indian culture lays great emphasis on worshipping the five gods. Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and His incarnations, Lord Ganesha, Ma Shakti and Surya (Sun-god). One who renders devotional service to and worships any of these deities and does japa of their names gets all kinds of benefits – material, other-worldly, moral and spiritual.

Uttarayana or the day of Makar Sankranti is considered to be of particular significance for worship of Surya. The day when the Sun enters Makar Rashi (one of the Zodiacs), is called makar sankranti. Sankranti means Samyak (right) Kranti (revolution). The revolution in the material world involves violence and plundering. Spiritual revolution on the other hand teaches us to see our good in that of others. ‘Live harmoniously; talk affectionately in a sweet comforting tone’ for the real essence of all beings is the same. In a lake or in the sea, a large number of waves are seen on the surface but the real essence in depth is one, water. Similarly the real essence in all beings is one, existence Knowledge-Bliss Absolute.

The great Bhishma Pitamah waited for 58 days on the bed of arrows for the Uttarayana. He continued to bear the severe pain caused by the arrows pierced in his entries body but he didn’t let his Prana, leave his body and held them back by the power of his will, being a dispassionate witness to his pain. Yudhishthira puts questions to grandsire Bhishma and he answers them lying on the bed of arrows. What great equanimity! What a great valour! How strong this great son of India is in body and in mind trampling as he does the difficulties coming his way! What a great culture we have! Is there any other instance in history where somebody is holding his Prana for 58 days by the strength of his will and is imparting Knowledge to Yudhishthira as grandsire Bhishma did at Lord Krishna’s behest? The teachings are contained in Anushasana Parvaand Shanti Parva of the epic Mahabharata. Festival of Uttarayana is the day to remember that great man and to get inspiration to attain equanimity, knowledge and Self-Bliss even in the face of difficult circumstances that are akin to the bed of arrows.

The festival of Uttarayana marks the morning of gods. Applying sesame unguent on the body, bathing with water mixed with sesame seeds, drinking such water, fire sacrifice with sesame seeds as oblation, eating sesame seeds and giving sesame seeds in charity-all these things destroy sin.

The Sun is the symbol of the Self-God. As the Self-God illuminates the mind, the intellect and the body, the Sun illuminates the world. But the Sun too is illuminated by the Atman.

May you take your life higher!


For six month the chariot of the sun god moves on the path through the northern solstice an for the other six months through the southern solstices. A day go gods is equal to six months of humans and of the same duration is the night of gods. On the Uttarayana day the gods day starts an they wake up. One of the reasons for celebration the Uttarayan day is to get the blessing of gods. It is said that on this day gods decoyed on to the earth to partake of the oblations offered in sacrifice reties. Uttarayana the six months period often sun being in the northern sol sties in sundered to be the period of light. Virtuous men depart form the world through this and to heavens. This is considered an occasion of brightness an speldour.Bhisham Pit amah waited for Uttarayan lying one bed of arrows an preferred to depart form this life only after only the beginning of the six months. Period of Uttarayan. Bhishma pitman kept lying on the bed of arrows of 58 days on the strength of his will no one else among the so called heroes the knights of the ahs been capable of doing so even for 58 hours.
According to Shasta’s is great religious merit to gives charity do japa an perform other austerity and religious observance on Uttarayan day. The charity given on the day came back multiplied hundred themes to the diner in the next life.
This is a festival of nature. It brings us in harmony with nature. The Tamil new year begins on this day This festival is know as thai Pongal in South India Sindhis call it Tirmouri in the Hindi heartland it is called Maker Sankranti and it Gujarat it is known a Uttarayana.
This is a day when great religious merits can be attained it was about this time that lord shiva favour several of the devotees then with his beatific vision. One should meditate on lord sunray on the Uttarayana day and should pary on him to free one form passions like desire anger an worries and to help one attain the peace inset fan assimilate a Guru grace. Japa of various name of lord surya, offering libation to him an praying to him with specific mantras destroy all evil influence an accords religious merits for the whole year.
Hram hrim sah suryanya salutation should be offered to lord surya with this mantra recall him. To you your mind an pay obeisance to him. Lord surya will be pleased or appeased an he will save you form disease an evil influences.
Japa other following names of lord say is immensely beneficial on Uttarayana day mirtray namah ravaye Suryanya Namah pusne namah hiranyagarbhaya Namah Maricye namah dittany namah savitre namah arkaya namah bhaskraya namah savitre suryanarayanaya namah.
Celibacy enhances intellectual capabilities. Those interested to remain celibate an observe self restraint should meditate on and pray to lord surya so that they should be successful in their vow of celibacy an in enhancing their intellectual prowess.

Japa of these mantras is very useful suryanya namah sankaray namah ganataye namah hanumate namah bhismaya namah arayamayai namah.
The virtuous deeds performed on this day give great regions merits. On this day sesame seeds an and rice are offered to lord shiva and libation of water mixed with sesame seeds an rice is also offered to lord shiva. Sesame seeds are beloved to be very important on this festival. Unguent made seeds is applied on the body an sesame seeds are mixed in the bath water also. Water mixed with sesame seeds is used for drinking. Sesame seeds are also used in fire sacrifice, meals They are also given in alms Laddoos made also given away. All these acts destroy sim. There is a great impotence of eating and divining in alms Laddoos made of sesame seeds jiggery and Eating sesame seeds Laddoos mortifies one body and make on sweet mannered sesame seeds ladders are always beneficial in water.
This is the celebration of Uttarayan or Maker Sankranti for world point of view. But the spiritual meaning of Maker Sankranti is Sam yak krait in life. This is the day when one should one resolve to bring about radical transformation in one life by way of with drawing one mind form sense enjoyments an passions to it on god the About being free form passion maker sankranti is the best day to divine consciousness Divine knowledge and god Realization. Man has always been yearning for happiness if he does not get the real bliss he goes for unreal transient pleasure an subject himself to the cycle of 84 lakh birth and deaths there fore one should make self efforts to attain the real bills in life.